Heey! Took some time to rest but now I'm back! First of all, thanks for the feedback with my school thingy idea. Gonna explain in details now!
I want to form a group of 15 - 20 ppl (I don't think I'd handle more haha) to have 2 classes of 3 per week + feedback on lessons / personal drawings whenever needed, at the price of 20 USD / month.
Classes would happen in discord. I plan on dividing people into groups based on time zones etc, as I have free time all week and can adapt it to work with groups etc
I don't reaally want to record or put stuff on gumroad etc, I want to give people the experience I had with drawing classes, which was a small group having an close learning experiencie with the teacher. People had different skill levels
and helped each other constantly, which was really awesome. Price is exactly what I used to pay when I started taking classes (Based on BR currency), and honestly I just want continue what my teachers started.
I'll prob start them by january, as I need to work on several lessons etc haha
Hope I've been clear! Have a nice one everybody :)
what primarily would you be teaching? drawing or coloring? or something else.
Both, with focus on what the student prefers and / or have more difficulty :)